BSB Number # 248-087

Details of BSB Number 248-087 of Citigroup Pty Limited.
Financial Institute NameCitigroup Pty Limited
Financial Institute CodeCTI
BSB NameBMW Melbourne Pty Limited
BSB Number248-087
BSB AddressLevel 6, 2 Park St
Payment SystemsPEH

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Citigroup Pty Limited


List of Citigroup Pty Limited routing numbers in Sydney ( NSW )
242-000 242-001 242-002 242-050
242-060 242-200 242-205 242-230
242-255 242-260 242-265 242-280
243-000 243-020 243-300 243-320
244-000 244-400 245-000 246-000
246-600 246-610 248-004 248-008
248-009 248-010 248-011 248-012
248-013 248-014 248-015 248-016
248-018 248-019 248-020 248-021
248-022 248-023 248-024 248-025
248-026 248-027 248-028 248-029
248-030 248-031 248-032 248-033
248-035 248-037 248-038 248-039
248-040 248-042 248-043 248-044
248-045 248-046 248-047 248-048
248-050 248-051 248-052 248-053
248-055 248-056 248-057 248-058
248-059 248-060 248-061 248-062
248-063 248-064 248-065 248-066
248-067 248-068 248-069 248-070
248-071 248-072 248-073 248-074
248-075 248-076 248-077 248-078
248-079 248-080 248-081 248-082
248-083 248-084 248-085 248-086
248-087 248-088 248-089 248-090
248-091 248-092 248-093 248-094
248-095 248-096 248-097 248-098

What is the BSB Number?

A Bank State Branch (BSB) number is the name used in Australia for a bank code, which is a branch identifier.
BSB is used as an identifier consisting of a six digit numerical code that identifies an individual branch of an Australian financial institution.
The BSB is normally used in association with the bank account number.
For international transfers a SWIFT identifier is used in addition to the BSB identifier and a bank account number.

The BSB number is made up of three parts:


  • The first two numbers (AA) specify the financial institution.
  • The third number (B) indicates the state where the branch is located.
  • The last three numbers (CCC) are the unique identifier for a branch.
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