BSB Number # 182-513

Details of BSB Number 182-513 of MACQUARIE BANK LIMITED.
Financial Institute NameMACQUARIE BANK LIMITED
Financial Institute CodeMBL
BSB NameMacquarie Bank Limited
BSB Number182-513
BSB Address1 Shelley Street
Payment SystemsPEH

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Sydney -NSW

List of MACQUARIE BANK LIMITED routing numbers in Sydney ( NSW )
182-182 182-200 182-222 182-233
182-244 182-255 182-500 182-511
182-512 182-513 182-514 182-555
182-600 182-675 182-740 182-741
182-742 182-743 182-744 182-755
182-788 182-799 182-800 182-855
182-888 182-909 183-711 183-712

What is the BSB Number?

A Bank State Branch (BSB) number is the name used in Australia for a bank code, which is a branch identifier.
BSB is used as an identifier consisting of a six digit numerical code that identifies an individual branch of an Australian financial institution.
The BSB is normally used in association with the bank account number.
For international transfers a SWIFT identifier is used in addition to the BSB identifier and a bank account number.

The BSB number is made up of three parts:


  • The first two numbers (AA) specify the financial institution.
  • The third number (B) indicates the state where the branch is located.
  • The last three numbers (CCC) are the unique identifier for a branch.
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